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The ghost orchid obtains nutrients from mycorrhizal networks involving basidiomycete fungi that are in turn associated with the roots of various species of coniferous trees. They grow from an underground, burrowing stem which lacks chlorophyll and possesses ephemeral leaves that are small scales. The plants only emerge above ground to flower.

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Native: Southern England – Herefordshire




​The Ghost Orchid is a hardy myco-heterotrophic orchid lacking chlorophyll. It is famous for its unpredictable appearance; in many localities it has been seen just once. It is found in beech, oak, pine and spruce forests on base-rich soils. It is a rare and critically endangered plant in habitat, and is believed to be extinct throughout much of its former range, although it has been recently confirmed in the United Kingdom (2009).

Ghost Orchid

This sound comes from the pollinator of the Ghost Orchid, giant sphinx moth, as it pollinates, and you can hear its wings flapping. Imagine if this orchid were to become extinct and its pollinator would be greatly affected!

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